Emotional Maturity

This is a Criteria of Emotional Maturity that came out a number of years ago by William C. Menninger, MD. It still holds up. Gives you something to shoot for and a sense of how you are progressing.
The Criteria of Emotional Maturity
Pretty amazing list. Worth thinking about and meditating on.
Jesus said:
"Be peferfect, therefore, as your Father is perfect". - Matthew 5:48
He wasn't necessarily refering to being a 'perfect' person in the way we may define perfection. In other words, He wasn't referring to being 'flaweless". He was refering to being 'mature and complete' as the Father is mature and complete. One of the draws of Jesus (and still is) is His emotional maturity and wholeness and His willingness to accept you as you are, recognizing your flaws, while helping you to continue to improve and grow on your journey of life. He is "Mr. EQ", if you will. He came that you: "...may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, to the full - till it overflows". (John 10:10)
There is a beauty and joy that comes with growth and maturity, even though it's a process. You may have to 'get up one more time' and 'go to the well one more time' and 'keep on keeping on' - but it's worth the effort.
There is a beauty and joy that comes with growth and maturity, even though it's a process. You may have to 'get up one more time' and 'go to the well one more time' and 'keep on keeping on' - but it's worth the effort.
Remember, the glory isn't in the falling, it's in the rising. :) Be a Micah 7:8 person:
"Though I have fallen, I will rise". - Micah 7:8
If you fall down, get back up and keep moving forward in faith. Your victory is ahead of you, not behind you.
Enjoy the journey of growth and maturity and becoming a "true" adult.
"...He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." - Philippians 1:6
There truly is a "pearl of great price" within you that is waiting to be revealed.
You are the best.
This is a really beautiful posting Micah. You are so blessed and have an uncommon insight and wisdom that destroys spiritual strongholds and sets people free.
Love that you are a Christian that quotes Menniger. On my personal purpose statement, I have this same Menniger profound work. I am a LPC. Funny,in the "be ye perfect" you spelled perfect as peperfect. As as recoverig perfectionist, I couldn't resist pointing it out.
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