Victorious Insights For Living: Being Street-smart and Book-smart

Monday, January 01, 2007

Being Street-smart and Book-smart

This is an interesting article about the benefits of being street-smart as well as book smart in business and life:

I think the best is to be both. Be both book-smart and a little "Omar-like" - ala "The Wire". Omar is sort of a 'street genius". :) Here are a few of his 'street smart' qualities that can be gleaned from him. He is:

  1. Extremely shrewd and strategic in his thinking
  2. Found his niche
  3. Innovative
  4. Flexible and 'open-source' in his strategies. Open to new ideas and approaches.
  5. Travels 'light'
  6. Has a certain code of conduct, ethics and protocol
  7. He is generous in his world
  8. Believes he is blessed and is confident
  9. Puts together great teams that at times are even cross-cultural. Generally isn't prejudiced.
  10. Comes up with creative plans and is a bold risk taker when necessary.
  11. Plays to win
  12. Understands the power of words. Confesses that he is 'blessed'.
  13. Listens to his intuition.
  14. Surrounds himself with wise counsel, but ultimately casts the 'deciding vote'.
  15. Studies the terrain and looks for opportunities. Excellent reader of situations, people, and trends. Has a sense of timing and seizes opportunities....Opportunity-minded
  16. Does his homework and takes notes
  17. Effective negociator at times
  18. Underlying joy is the secret of his strength.
  19. He is resilient and 'glories in tribulation'. Full of faith, optimism and is patience - thriving in a challenging environment. Has a knack for turning negatives into positives.
  20. Uses the 80/20 principle to his advantage. Ultimately, a 'can do' kind of guy.
  21. Has mastered aspects of his 'game' and keeps improving.
He is sort of an "MJ" of the streets.

Obviously don't be street-smart for the purpose of crime, but for doing what's right.

Have the 'spirit of Daniel':

"God gave these four young men knowledge and skill in both books and life." Daniel 1:17

In other words, they were book-smart and life-smart.
God can help you to be both.

Read the lines and read between the lines.



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