Being Street-smart and Book-smart
This is an interesting article about the benefits of being street-smart as well as book smart in business and life:
I think the best is to be both. Be both book-smart and a little "Omar-like" - ala "The Wire". Omar is sort of a 'street genius". :) Here are a few of his 'street smart' qualities that can be gleaned from him. He is:

- Extremely shrewd and strategic in his thinking
- Found his niche
- Innovative
- Flexible and 'open-source' in his strategies. Open to new ideas and approaches.
- Travels 'light'
- Has a certain code of conduct, ethics and protocol
- He is generous in his world
- Believes he is blessed and is confident
- Puts together great teams that at times are even cross-cultural. Generally isn't prejudiced.
- Comes up with creative plans and is a bold risk taker when necessary.
- Plays to win
- Understands the power of words. Confesses that he is 'blessed'.
- Listens to his intuition.
- Surrounds himself with wise counsel, but ultimately casts the 'deciding vote'.
- Studies the terrain and looks for opportunities. Excellent reader of situations, people, and trends. Has a sense of timing and seizes opportunities....Opportunity-minded
- Does his homework and takes notes
- Effective negociator at times
- Underlying joy is the secret of his strength.
- He is resilient and 'glories in tribulation'. Full of faith, optimism and is patience - thriving in a challenging environment. Has a knack for turning negatives into positives.
- Uses the 80/20 principle to his advantage. Ultimately, a 'can do' kind of guy.
- Has mastered aspects of his 'game' and keeps improving.
Obviously don't be street-smart for the purpose of crime, but for doing what's right.
Have the 'spirit of Daniel':
"God gave these four young men knowledge and skill in both books and life." Daniel 1:17
In other words, they were book-smart and life-smart. God can help you to be both.
Read the lines and read between the lines.
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